
open letter to Kenyans in Dallas/Fort Worth

From The Chairman’s Desk
Kenyan Community D/FW
Dallas, Texas
An open letter to Kenyans in Dallas/Fort Worth
Fellow Kenyans:
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about
things that matter."
Those were the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
According to some estimates, the Kenyan population in Dallas/Fort
Worth has grown tremendously in the last two decades, and it would not
be surprising that Kenyans living and working in DFW and surrounding
counties has reached 60,000 and growing. Our numbers compete
significantly with those of other African nationals in the region:
Ethiopians, Nigerians, South Africans and more. Interestingly,
however, unlike our counterparts, the power of numbers has borne
little weight where Kenyans are concerned.
We have little or no voice of representation in local government,
little or no financial clout in suburban forums, little or no
significance to the overall community. Our businesses are sparse and
largely unsupported. Our expertise and skills go largely unnoticed.
Our medical clinics... well, hands up those who know of a Kenyan-run
medical clinic in the region! Here, I compare us to those who landed
on this soil in the same manner that we did.
Kenyans, we must raise the bar on our importance in this region. We
embody a vast network of complimentary abilities that make us capable
- and capable again - of insurmountable success. But we must begin
somewhere. We have burdens to tackle:
1. Economic obstacles
2. Immigration issues
3. Employment needs
4. Educational challenges
5. Trade barriers
6. Bereavement support
7. Human rights concerns
8. Government hurdles
Over the past nine months, a group of us have met on a regular
basis to discuss ways that can benefit the Kenyan population in
Dallas/Fort Worth. Through these discussions it was clear that our
community was powerless unless it was unified. We had to bring
everyone together. We had to create common goals. We had to create
solutions for common issues. We had to create a forum for common
dialogue, for ourselves, our children, and for our legacy among first
and second-generation communities in the Dallas/Fort Worth region.
Please join us for the official launch of the newly formed Kenyan
Community - Dallas/Fort Worth (KC-DFW).
Date: Saturday,
October 22, 2005
Venue: Calvary Baptist Church Hall,
916 North Jupiter Road,
Garland, Texas 75042
Time: 2.00 – 6.00PM
Directions: From 635 and Central Express Way
(75N). Go North on Central to Beltline. Turn Left on Beltline (East),
turn right on Jupiter (South), go about half a mile, the church hall
be on the left.
Plan to bring your family and friends. This will be the most
important day for Kenyans in Dallas/Fort Worth for generations to
come. Don’t be the one to miss out!
My very best regards,
Peter K. Mwaniki
Kenyan Community - Dallas/Fort Worth (KC - DFW) |
