between " Looting " & " Finding
[Sept 1st
Below are
slideshow screen image shots taken of from Yahoo.com (Yahoo is not responsible of the photo descriptions rather, it's
the news
the press - AP & AFP
respectively). This is a response from Yahoo regarding this matter
Photo Statement
The slide show was on photos covering the aftermath of hurricane
Katrina in the southern states of USA.
Read the image descriptions
of both
What's your opinion?
My opinion (regardless of my race - nyeusi) -
There are 2 different press
houses involved - AP (Associated Press) and AFP (Agence Française
I view it as an issue of
semantics. The language usage wasn't exactly what I
would consider as "fair".
Both writers knew the
victims were coming from grocery stores & not akina Best Buy or
Circuit City. If I were to be at victim, I would have done the same
thing - correct semantic "found" the groceries
(AFP) & NOT incorrect semantic "loot" the groceries " (AP). Certainly
many victims never knew when they were going to have food or water as
it had been days prior to food drop of reaching them. Goodness
gracious! Let all regardless of race " find "
whatever that is edible while they await for aid.
Whatever the case, the emphasis is on us to read between the lines of
are to write or publish, we should ensure we do so with INTEGRITY along
with reflection of good acts things in life - Love, compassion,
sympathy, empathy, hope, truth and beauty. When I look at both photos
I see all parties carrying food stuff - Soda, bread. Things are
bad!...... they have to survive thus need the basic need - food &
water. If I were the editor, I would go a mile ahead describe
the acts by using the words "survival" , "basic needs" & "finding"
regardless of race.
# 1
A young man walks through chest
deep flood water after
looting a grocery store in New Orleans
on Tuesday, Aug. 30 2005. Flood waters continue to rise in New Orleans
after Hurricane Katrina did extensive damage when it ....

# 2
Two residents wade through
chest-deep water after finding bread and soda from a local grocery
store after Hurricane Katrina came through the area in New Orleans,
Louisiana |