
This mbisha
came from a "serikali ya" site. Looking at the image below on the
left, one question comes into my mind. (Enyewe kuuliza si
ujinga).. Is the jamaa in a
brown coat having
...... If vehicles were humans & could communicate verbally (&
physically LOL), then the first person this Nissan Homy Caravan would have a serious
tete-a-tete (followed by a serious fight definitely) would have to
be the jamaa cladded in the beige color pants & brown coat huku
wearing a heavy smile on his face
(talk about a Kodak moment
inaitwa smiro ya kiro kumi na nuthu).
continues blow the image)
This jama seemed to be
enjoying this ride kidogo too much probably yeye ni bebwa sare
(as per Ja-mnazi's song - I'm not sober). Next in the " Vehicle Vs.
Man " fight line would be the guy in the short sleeved blue shirt
alias bebwa bebwa ... coz he seems to be loaded matatu wise & Barclays
wise (by looks of the ATM on his waist - money bag).
On the image on the right hand side, I see the enforcement of
safety belts in ma3's nowadays ..... which brings another
question to my mind. Here in Oteto, If a passenger or a driver is
found not wearing a safety belt, they get a ticket (a very nice one ya free).
On the other hand oteto cops will see a meki driver ferrying like 10 meki's on aka dodge pickup truck & no pulling over
takes place! Is this common in big Dallas pekee yake or what? Is it
that they are buckled up in one way or another only that I never see it
ama vipi? I have only seen one incident whereby a cop stopped a pickup
carrying a passanger on the back. The passenger on the back was a
jungu teenager & she was ordered to go sit in front. She was assisting
a jama by holding household goods being hauled behind.
So, What's the logic behind this ? Could it be that - " If a
vehicle has safety belts & one doesn't buckle up that's when it's
considered a ticket able
offence " or what ?
AOB: I would not be surprised
if the Mathree on the right is SISQO (Buru Route 58) coz it's a
mathree which appears in a couple of medias & music videos Kajairo's,
Necessary Noize, ........
esh! on that note .... Si I read a comment today of someone from
Japan (wanakenya ni wapi hampo). I just laughed at myself. I think
good childhood memories are so so so precious. On that note a new mix
has to be posted a super one.
If you pandad Route # 23 (Outering) in the 90's you'd understand
is gussing about.
Kalusa & Ivy. Woi ! Woi! That's when our primary school headmaster
Mr. Ndirangu decided it was time he blocks / paints the windows white so that
we cannot see outside. LOL.
Come the next school term, a major transition
took place! Yaani Mr. Ndirangu (Ndirash) had " sondekad " all the bottom windows
.... he had removed all glass windows replacing them with substitutes
- welded
metal sheets because students were scrabbing off the paint on the former
mentioned " painted " glass windows!
Mr. Ndirangu alituweza? aah zii. Mischievous monkeys.
Well, a solution had to be found! ... What we
did was to adjust the upper windows at angle in such a way that
through reflection, we could
vividly see all the " manyangas " 58 & 23 which were passing outside & foolishly say what
? ...... "
Hiyo ni Yangu " oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Akina Kalusa (#23), Ivy (#23), Ibero
(#23 later became
#58), Cats Eyes KAB-F
(#23), Chariot (#23) Shadow (#58), Eternity (58), Turbo Wagon (58)
Some ana culprit of ATL (Hotlanta) nicked