If you
ever watched the video of Baks (the Orezo) live on camera
calling his chauffer a " pubafu " (pumbavu), for having
driven the limo away from the bad rainy weather, ......
you'd understand why Bomet MP Hon. Nick Salat caused
laughter in the houz
.... read on below
MPs were yesterday cautioned
against abusive language in the House. National Assembly Speaker
Francis ole Kaparo gave the warning after Roads minister Raila
Odinga said he was sure Saboti MP Davies Nakitare was not a
pumbavu (stupid).
Mr Odinga was answering the
MP, who, in a supplementary question, wished to know when Sogoet
Bridge in Bomet constituency would be completed.
Raila Odinga
The remark did not go well with some MPs, who
claimed that Mr Odinga had used abusive language on a colleague.
Mr Enock Kibunguchy (Lugari,
Narc) asked if the minister was in order to refer to Mr Nakitare
as pumbavu.
The Speaker ruled that such
language was not good for orderly conduct of business in the
But Mr Odinga, standing on a
point of order, denied referring to Mr Nakitare as pumbavu.
He said the Hansard would bear him out.
"If I said you are not
stupid, that is not unparliamentary," said Mr Odinga.
Health minister Charity
Ngilu said it was unparliamentary to use such language, inside or
outside the House.
Bomet MP Nick Salat caused
laughter when he said he hoped that all Kenyans
would desist from using the word pumbavu (President
Kibaki has used the word several times in his public speeches).
Mr Odinga apologised and
withdrew the remarks.