Lucy Kibaki - " Rucy First Rendy " The 1st week of May
2005ought to be marked as the " First Rendy (Lady) Week ".
in the West, Laura Bush made headlines with about the humorous
speech she gave at the white house dinner. Back in the East,
Lucy Kenya's First Lady made another debut in the " comedy circles "
going as
far as attacking a camera man Clifford Derrick.
Isn't this good business for
She had a right to ask the
volume to be turned down at least she could have vybed her two sons
who were at the party to ask the sound guy to reduce the sound
by 3db (decibels) / half as loud. BTW This reminds me of a gig
in Kenya back in 98 or 97 when me & my boyz
Do you remember
they way the news caster would announce on KBC TV/Radio news "
Barabara zote za elekea hadi maonyesho ya kilimo ya Nairobi "
......... well, now tweak that " maonyesho ya kilimo ya Nairobi " part
and replace with " Kabarak High School "
in Naks !! Traffic was serious for people
on foot let alone all those fancy Range Rovers HSE which dominated
that road. Diplomats, MP's, Ministers, Judges ....... nearly all top
peeps in Kenya could be seen that day. Most businesses remained
closed that Saturday. The people of Nakuru town were seen
walking to the event carrying vyondo's and plastic bags.
The joy in the faces
was of another level. Invited or uninvited, who
cares if
it's going down at the Orezo's shule it's beyond doubt it's for the
general public !
Kabarak high schools sports field was full of several big Tents making
a circle each of them having a big grill and caterers. This is one of
the " Unseen weddings " ....... so anyways si
tumefika like this we setup the sound system. Apparently PPS (Presidential
Press Service) had already setup their own PPS "horn speakers"
those which throw sound far coz of being acoustically designed / horn
loaded (remember those Ahuja Speakers zile za grey color seen
at Harambees they look like big sufurias eheee those ones! They are
used for vocals / humans speech rather than music) Back then,
you know the ziks to play at a reception was soft sentimental kinda
music: Gospel,
Instrumentals, Jazz kwanza Kenny G music
was the hot request
in the block
by wedding couples (still is I guess). Haiya ! Si
tushaweka the Song -Sentimental by msani
/ artist (Kenny G - Kenny Njoroge LOL). Mahewa
zinachapa chini ya maji (at low
levels) Lo and behold
punde si punde
It's time we chose
either one - going with Lee Njiru orders or two - the Bride & Groom's
earlier request plans - to play soft music. It did not even take
seconds for us to make this decision eshhhh, kwani who are we ! We
chose the latter. He could have simply done the same stunt " Rucy "
was about to pull, (Lee Njiru would have ordered one of his peeps to
go to the classroom where we were getting electricity from and unplug
the power from the socket, therein after making sure that we still
spin at the evening bash/party, halafu ensure when we are done
spinning at the dinner dance. From there he would make us suffer
consequences LOL !) Whilst
the Nakuru town guests did " shopping " (.... remember those plastic
bags and viondos mentioned earlier ? , well kumbe they were to be used
instead paper plates), they danced or rather nodded their heads
to the music in the back ground. Kabugi, Matee, Josh .....let me putit
like this ilikuwa ina sound kama " crunk " music even though they did
not know the Kaleo/Kalenjin language halafu ilikuwa na zile " small
pause " parts kama zile Mwenda wako Mariru au Mumunya eeh.
EXAMPLE: Mwenda wako Mariru, " small pause " halafu
continuation " eeh Mariru ......" e.t.c e.t.c e.t.c. The loud live
blaring music came from the " Tantalizers " on the other
entertainment tent.
Lee Njiru had already given them the go
ahead to takeover. Who were the Tantalizers ? Well It was none other
than ... The Kalenjin Sisters Band
Who is this man ?